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Steam summer camps

Insights offers a variety of week-long whole day and half day TEK-aligned STEAM summer camps which can be adapted to target your students.

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We know camps. During the summers of 2017, 2018, and 2019 Insights provide 11 total weeks of  STEAM summer camp programming for over 400 students.  All Insights summer camps are designed and run by certified teachers, assisted by  pre-service math and science teachers.  Summer camp curriculum can be adapted grade level or custom built to meet the needs of for your school.  STEAM Summer camp curriculum programs include:


  • Zootopia

  • Let’s Do Chemistry

  • Space Camp

  • Robotics

  • Superhero Math and Science

  • Space Coding

  • Amusement Park Engineering

  • Circuitry & Engineering Design

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Computer Science

Summer Camp Survey Responses:

  • “It was truly STEAM and we appreciated that deeply.”

  • “I wish I could fail 7th grade so I could come again.”

  • “It was hands down the best camp she has ever done. She is an artist who loves science and to see the two tie together really made her feel such   happiness.”

  • “… had a great time and thought the camp was fun, interesting and learned a whole lot!  Looking forward to the next one.”

​Week-long summer camp cost start at $60 per student and vary with the length of program and number of staff required.  Contact us for a customized quote.

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